Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Improve personality

Building a good personality helps you to go long way and harvest the best out of your life. Be in personal life or professional life , you will achieve greater height's and be more successful. You will be a highly influencing and interesting person to all. Having good personality makes you attract people , build better relationships ,make easy friends and you will be a very special person among all . Your charisma will bind people when you have sound personality.

Your personality is the sum total of all your qualities, attributes, characteristics and traits which distinguishes you from other individuals and makes you unique. And these traits of yours have been in the making since you were born.

You are fortunate if you've grown with a pleasing personality already. If not, then you are in for a lot of hard work. But you can change if you are determined and persistent enough to accomplish your objective and if you believe in yourself. Remember that belief in victory is often a battle won.
So just keep at it and don’t give up. Sooner or later, you will be surprised at how much you have improved so much so that you will feel proud of yourself for having done it because it was not easy.

What is Personality

The complex of all the attributes--behavioral, temperamental, emotional and mental--that characterize a unique individual; "their different reactions reflected their very different personalities"; "it is his nature to help others". Source

How to Build a Good Personality?

One basic truth about life is that things take time. If you want to improve your personality, first you have to recognize the fact that it will take you quite a long time to attain your aim. It is likely to take a few years of dedicated effort on your part because you will have to form new habits of thinking, feeling, speaking and acting which require a prolonged period of time to make them automatic or second - nature to you.

 - The first step is to increase your knowledge in order for you to be able to talk intelligently about many topics that may come up during your communication with other people. Learn to love reading in order to increase your intellectual horizons.

- The Second step is being conversational, and its importance. Conversations can often be the make or break point resulting in either solidifying a bond with new people or putting them off in an uneasy uncomfortable awkward moment you'll walk away from wanting to slap yourself.
A great way to ensure a positive result is to avoid awkward silence! Silence leaves the mind to wonder and we often assume the worst in people. Keeping conversations dynamic and interesting leaves a positive impression on the people your conversing with.

 - The Third step is being a good listener.Listen and listen some more. A good listener is usually thought to be more intelligent and friendly. Ask a question relating to what the person has said. This shows interest and expands your interests.

 - The fourth step is being responsible.Take responsibility for your own mistakes and learn from them. No need to blame or hurt others, and just be constructive and focused.

 - Be honest to all in all ways. Just don't say or do any thing just for the sake of telling or doing. Just be honest your thoughts and deeds.Your INTEGRITY is more important then one's personality. Are you an honest person? Actions speak louder then words.Try to see yourself as others view. If there are certain negative aspects of your personality that your friends, family and even strangers see in you, maybe there is something to that observation. Take steps to modify that particular behavior, especially if that personality trait is physically, psychologically, and/or spiritually damaging to you and your loved ones.

 - Be a friend to all.Having a friendly nature with all is a sign of good personality. No matter you are grouping with children or elders, just be friendly with them and enjoy their friendship as well.

 - Be a leader and guide.Some times you have to a leader and guide to others. You have take good decisions and make your decisions works.

- Be positive always.People like to have someone who has some positive thinking. No one like the negative thinkers. Be positive and it will boost your personality.Work hard on anything you believe you're lacking and keep in mind that bad things happen to all of us just dont let them get in the way.

 - Carry an OPINION .Just have a single opinion on the topic you talk. Take a clear stand on what you talk.

 -Respect - Everyone wants to be respected. But before it happens, you need to show respect first. It is defined as positive feelings that you showed to a person or other entity that have specific conducts and specific actions. Teach and show them that you respect them and you'll have your respect from them in the end.

-Communication skills improve with practice. And practice works best with other people. Talk to other people--and LISTEN to them. Also read whatever you can. Listen to people on the radio or TV. This may sound silly, but imitate them. Does somebody's accent, or odd phrasing, catch your ear? Try to reproduce it with your own tongue. Repeat their words back to yourself.
Some more tips on how to develop personality:-

Be open to new experiences, new people, & new things. Be open-minded.Believe in yourself, be confident.
Listen when other people are talking to you. Get into conversations, ask questions about them, show them that you have a genuine interest in what they're saying.
Everybody loves to have a good audience when they talk about themselves, so if you show them you're listening they'll love you for it!
Care for others.
Be constructive.
Don't criticize or judge people. Don't be "cold" or stand-offish; be inviting, open.

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