Monday, June 11, 2012

10 Tips for losing your weight

10 Tips for losing your  weight

The most bothering question in everybody mind is  "how to lose weight?" .Generally the basic mantra is to eat well and sleep well and really really never bother about losing your weight. But since its very common question how to lost weight, let me answer in 10 simple ways. Losing weight is a greatest challenge but if worked properly its a very easy task.

First of all, you put on the weight slow, there is no such thing as losing it fast.None of the pills, drops, drinks are worth anything, except a few that replace a meal, and that is only as good as eating a proper meal anyway.Fat is 3,500 calories per pound. Even if you consider it 25% water also, and that is high, it is still 2800 calories per pound .You do not say your weight or height or age to know what your ideal weight is, because the closer you are to ideal, the less water in the fat, and also any exercise is building muscle, and you net very few pounds difference.

1. Prepare yourselves.

First thing you should make up your mind that by any cost I have to lose my weight.Have a gut feeling and strong desire to lose weight. Prepare your senses, prepare your mind that you want to lost weight. Human brain is great master it will guide you and warn you when you tend to change your mind.

2. Be Patient and don't be in hurry.

If you have decided to lose weight, its good but never be in have only made your mind , but you have to make up your body as well.If all of a sudden you stop eating or start eating less, it will create bad impacts on your health.
Please remember eating less is not the way for losing weight.Get rid of all junk foods and reduce the chemicals of diet foods and processed foods.Take a vitamin once a day.

3. Change Food Habits.

Please watch your food habits. Basically its our food habits which make us of the main reason for over weight  is the Junk food. Stop eating junk food.If after a couple of weeks of giving up all fried foods and bad snacks and eating healthy you do not see your weight coming down, then eat smaller portions the next two weeks. Don't try to rush it, and anything in the right direction is success--just make it permanent.No potato chips, pretzels, soda, ice cream, cookies, candy, pies.If you have a potato, put on a little skim milk instead of butter and sour cream and just forget about McDonald's fries, coke and fatty burgers.

4. Eat  on Time.

Modern lifestyle has drastically impacted our lives. We have stopped eating food on time.Please eat food on time and please keep it punctual.Eat slowly - take at least 20 minutes for a meal because that is what it takes to feel satisfied.

5. Drink lots of water.

We have to consume lots of water during our day times. Drink as much as water possible.Drinking early in the morning before break fast is good to lose weight.Drink plenty of water. Give up all soda regular and diet. If you need a little flavor use a little fruit juice in water or club soda.You want whole grains, brown rice. almost any vegetables especially broccoli and carrots. Salads with minimal dressings. Fish, white meat chicken. Low fat, high fibre foods. Pears are tasty and great for the fibre because it fills you on low calories. Apples are OK.

6. Eat Leafy vegetables.

Plan to have more vegetables in your diet.Give up soda and cake and most ice cream and cookies and white bread and try about getting as much fruit and vegetables and carrots and salads as you can and give up butter and fried foods. It is a lot easier to eat right and eat a little less and still not be hungry to lose weight. Instead of sugar frosted flakes/cocoa puffs/sugar pops/etc, change to shredded wheat or bran cereal and see if mom can get a few strawberries or blueberries or just add raisins.

7. Sleep well

Try to have sound sleep. Go to bed early and at least try have a eight hour sleep.

8. Exercise Daily.

At least have a 30 minutes walk daily in your preferred timings and try to do regularly on same times.
The only thing that will work for good is a permanent diet improvement and an increase of physical activity. Short term diets never work because you put the weight back on plus more as your body reacts to starvation. For exercise, anything that gets your heart pumping. How about swimming, jogging, sit ups.

9. Perform Yoga.

Please join some yoga classes.

10. Keep watch on you weight.

Try to do the above 9 steps for a month and see how much weight you have lost.I am sure if you follow the above steps you will surely lose 3 kg of your body weight.So plan your action now.

Note: My sincere request is not to join any weight loss program. Don't waste your valuable money joining these  Programs. Look for permanent solutions not for short term solution

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